Common Sense Can Change The World.


Protecting Children & Families

Ray Pelletti is dedicated to promoting educational transparency, protecting families from activist educators, and working to fight against ideologically captured bureaucracies in public education.

Ray Pelletti supports a “Right to Know” policy for parents of public school children, allowing guardians full access to their children’s school documents. Bureaucrats shouldn’t be keeping secrets from mothers and fathers involving the long-term health and future of their children.


Public Safety

Ray Pelletti is dedicated to encouraging law enforcement officers to play an active role in their communities and protect the most vulnerable. Law enforcement should be trained to de-escalate and resolve matters to the best of their ability.

Ray Pelletti will back bills supporting decentralized oversight such as police body cameras and patrol monitors, as well as expand police training.



Ray Pelletti believes the homeless deserve a hand up, not a handout. Washington State is home to tens of thousands of unsheltered persons. Without a proper support structure, no one should be expected to pull themselves up from the bottom. Hundreds of Millions of taxpayer dollars are spent every year by corrupt Washington State politicians who perpetuate the problem through funding nepotistic non-government organizations.

Ray Pelletti will fight to make sure Washington taxpayers stop funding ineffective non-profits and support plans that will help our most vulnerable out of the cycles of poverty.

Affordable Housing

With twenty years of real estate experience, Ray has familiarized himself with the housing market. Restrictive zoning codes and excessive land-use regulations have discouraged the housing market from flourishing and have indirectly increased construction costs.

Ray will put an end to excessive housing regulations for young families to afford homes again.


Ray Pelletti believes in stewardship. Washington State remains one of the most beautiful and unique ecosystems in the United States. By preserving natural habitats, establishing funds for town-parks, and transforming cityscapes with walkable green spaces, Ray wishes to protect Washington and Whatcom County wildlife for future generations to come.

Ray Pelletti will fight littering in Washington State and work to reclaim our parks.